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Willy and Nicky

Willy-Nicky Telegrams: Last Attempts to Prevent WWI

The Willy-Nicky Telegrams often highlight the actions of Imperial Germany and the Russian Empire, with Kaiser Wilhelm II and Tsar Nicholas II being blamed for their weak leadership and imperialist policies. While this is true to a certain extent, they were also ironically among the last people who attempted to stop the war. A correspondence… Read More »Willy-Nicky Telegrams: Last Attempts to Prevent WWI

Pyrrhus of Epirus

The Cost of Victory

In war, the end goal of any nation, general, or army is to achieve victory. This could mean many things from defeating the enemy, conquering land, or showing superiority. But victory always comes at a cost and not everyone is willing to pay for it. It is easy to look at the numbers on paper… Read More »The Cost of Victory

The Opium War

Letters About the Opium Trade

Until the mid-1800s, China was regarded as one of the largest and most powerful kingdoms. It was so wealthy that the European powers were desperate to access Chinese silk, porcelain, and tea, widely considered the best quality products. However, the problem was that the ruling Qing Dynasty adopted an isolationist policy that limited trade to… Read More »Letters About the Opium Trade

Cover Letter

How To Write A Cover Letter

In the competitive landscape of job hunting, a stellar resume and an application letter are just the first hurdle. Many employers often want to learn more about their potential employees and request a cover letter. This seemingly brief document is an opportunity to distinguish yourself from other applicants. Here you can showcase your professional experiences,… Read More »How To Write A Cover Letter

Sellsword Riddle

The Riddle of the Sellsword

George RR Martin’s work, A Song of Ice and Fire became famous for its political machinations and stunning action scenes. Less spoken about are some of the highly quotable lines, quotes, and sayings that make you stop and think of their meaning and how we look at things. but to understand how the Game of… Read More »The Riddle of the Sellsword

Apology Letter

How to Write An Apology Letter

Sometimes we might find ourselves making a mistake or hurting others, despite our best intentions. This is part of being human, but what matters is our ability to make amends for these mistakes and apologize to the people we’ve hurt. You can do this in many ways, from saying, showing, or writing. This all depends… Read More »How to Write An Apology Letter

Tolkien vs Shakespeare

Macbeth and Tolkein

There is little doubt that two of the most famous writers in the Western World are William Shakespeare and John Ronald Reuel Tolkien aka J. R. R. Tolkien. Their works have shaped many modern movies, books, and TV shows that we enjoy today. But they had also taken influence from each other as many ideas… Read More »Macbeth and Tolkein

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