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The Black Prince’s Baptism By Fire

Joan of Arc

The Faith of Joan of Arc

Regarding female heroes throughout history, undoubtedly one of the most famous has to be Joan of Arc. Her exploits in the Hundred Years War are legendary where she managed to inspire the Kingdom of France to continue fighting right during a time when they were struggling against the might of the English armies. Under her… Read More »The Faith of Joan of Arc

Trial of Urbain Grandier

Many people have heard of the Salem Witch Trials and the Spanish Inquisition, where priests persecuted innocent people in the name of finding heresy or witchcraft. These have served as warnings against blind zealotry and paranoia by how those in power. Often, we imagine the victims were the innocent and lower classes who could not… Read More »Trial of Urbain Grandier

How to Write to Your Boss

Being able to communicate with your boss is something that can have a huge impact on your career. Good communication can save you a lot of stress and present opportunities to grow your career. On the other hand, poor communication can add to your stress and make doing your job much harder. Whether you’re asking… Read More »How to Write to Your Boss


Herodotus on the Effects of War

In ancient history, few figures are as famous as the Greek writer Herodotus. His works have become famous summarizing the history of Greece and Persia and their eventual war. This has made him one of the go-to sources for people learning about this period. However, in recent years his historical accuracy has come into question.… Read More »Herodotus on the Effects of War

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson’s Advice About Learning on the Job

Brandon Sanderson is quickly becoming a rising star within the fantasy genre. His Cosmere universe has been regarded as one of the most unique and fascinating worlds in fiction, containing multiple book series including the Mistborn and Stormlight Archives. His series contain unique abilities and powers that have helped set them apart from other fantasy… Read More »Brandon Sanderson’s Advice About Learning on the Job

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