othellos journal entry 1 is my nobleness being questioned by thy father of my worthy
Othellos Journal-
Entry #1
Is my nobleness being questioned by thy father of my worthy Desdemona? Does he deem me to be unfit for her heart? I will not let thy father question me nor my manhood. This act is intolerable. I shall marry Desdemona with or without thy hand of the father. I will give my life to this woman as long as she obeys me. We shall have a long happy life together. She is a god of a woman to call my own for applauding me and listening to my heroic stories. Now I would never tell her
this to her face so she doesn’t question my manhood like her father does. Love is a weakness but I am willing to love her until death.
Othellos Journal-
Entry #1
Is my nobleness being questioned by thy father of my worthy Desdemona? Does he deem me to be unfit for her heart? I will not let thy father question me nor my manhood. This act is intolerable. I shall marry Desdemona with or without thy hand of the father. I will give my life to this woman as long as she obeys me. We shall have a long happy life together. She is a god of a woman to call my own for applauding me and listening to my heroic stories. Now I would never tell her this to her face so she doesn’t question my manhood like her father does. Love is a weakness but I am willing to love her until death.