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           Agreement of Freedom This agreement, made as of the Third Day of Fessuran on the Prime Material Plane, between Elros the Imprisoned (assignor), Solmera the Luxodon, Feyor the Lizardfolk, Alistair the Fallen, and Esoti the Genasi (all to be referenced as assignees), marks a deal struck between the aforementioned parties in which the assignor has granted passage out of the Feywild to the Prime Material Plane in return for a guarantee of delivery of a Luxon Beacon. Assignees are hereby contractually obligated to fulfill this agreement by a deadline prior to a natural death. Early and
unnatural demise caused by anything short of self harm will free the assignee of their contractual obligation. This contract will be considered fulfilled and its declarations moot if and only if possession of a Luxon Beacon passes from the assignees to the assignor. This contract is bound by the honor of the signatories, as well as the wild magic of the Fey. Should the assignees willingly defy the agreements declared in this form, the assignor will be henceforth granted permission to act as they seem fit to ensure the clauses of this contract are met. Signature of Assignor: Elros the
Imprisoned Signature of Assignees: -                   --                   -
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