Frida Kahlo and Her Kissmark

Frida Kahlo is one of the most iconic women in the industry of arts. This is to say that she has delved in both Visual Arts and personalized literary art. She is one of the most significant symbols in the area of creativity because of love. Without love, Frida won’t be Frida. This is to …

The Creation of Israel

On this day in 1948, Israel officially declared statehood, becoming an official Jewish state within the Middle East. This move was met with controversy globally back then and remains a contentious issue today. This is due to many countries still not recognizing Israel’s legitimacy today and its use of statehood as a way to block …

How to Write A Reflection Paper

When it comes to writing letters and documents, people typically think you’re only supposed to analyze and understand the topic. But sometimes, papers aren’t about what you know and more about what you feel. These are reflection papers and talk about how a topic or experience touches you in a personal way. There are many …

Winston Churchill’s VE Day

The 8th of May stands as a critical moment in history as this marked the official surrender of Nazi Germany to the Allied powers, bringing the end to almost 6 years of war. Celebrations were felt across the entire world from the Soviet Union to Great Britain. In the British Empire, the celebration was commemorated …

Letters from the Desert

Thomas Edward Lawrence, better known as T.E. Lawrence or the mythologized Lawrence of Arabia, remains one of the most enigmatic figures of the 20th century. He played a pivotal role in the Arab Revolt during World War I in this time of adventure and daring. Though poorly armed and trained, Lawrence turned the Arab tribes …

The Gladiator Emperor

In the year 2000, Riddley Scott came out with his historical fiction movie, Gladiator, starring Russel Qrow and Joaquin Phoenix. This movie took place during the high point of the Roman Empire when it stood as Europe’s sole superpower. One of the most memorable characters in this movie is the villainous Emperor Commodus. Not only …

Willy And Nicky Correspondence: Last Attempts to Stop WWI

WWI is often attributed largely to the actions of Imperial Germany and the Russian Empire, with Kaiser Wilhelm II and Tsar Nicholas II being blamed for their weak leadership and imperialist policies. While this is true to a certain extent, they were also ironically among the last people who attempted to stop the war. A …

Myth or Reality: Caligula Named His Horse Consul

When we think of mad rulers in history, one of the names that is sure to come out is Caligula. Compared to his illustrious grandfather, Agustus Ceasar, Caligula’s reign was filled with stories of madness. From sending an army to collect seashells to building a bridge of boats simply to ride across, it seemed like …

How to Write A Character Reference Letter

When applying for a job, one thing that is often requested from candidates is references. These are letters from previous employers, co-workers, or classmates who have worked with the candidate. The letters are meant to give an idea of what the worker is like and whether they would fit the business. A lot of rides …