How to Write A Leave of Absence Letter

For most adults, we will spend a good part of our lives working in a job. These could be anything from manual labor and services to tech and office work. In most cases, we are expected to show up in the office to perform our duties. However, that isn’t always a possibility and we sometimes …

How to Write A Letter to Your Ex

Breaking up with someone can be one of the most difficult experiences. However, breaking up doesn’t necessarily mean the end of your relationship completely. There is still a way for you to remain on good terms with them, even becoming friends. What matters is you know how to handle it and talk to them. One …

How to Write A Job Application Letter

When applying for a job, you must complete many steps before an employer considers you. One of the most nerve-racking parts of the job is writing an application letter. Unlike submitting your resume, portfolio, or questionnaire, you are not letting your work speak for you. Here, you must use your words and sell yourself to …

How to Write to Your Boss

Being able to communicate with your boss is something that can have a huge impact on your career. Good communication can save you a lot of stress and present opportunities to grow your career. On the other hand, poor communication can add to your stress and make doing your job much harder. Whether you’re asking …

Brandon Sanderson’s Advice About Learning on the Job

Brandon Sanderson is quickly becoming a rising star within the fantasy genre. His Cosmere universe has been regarded as one of the most unique and fascinating worlds in fiction, containing multiple book series including the Mistborn and Stormlight Archives. His series contain unique abilities and powers that have helped set them apart from other fantasy …

The Dangers of Perfection According to Anne Lamott

Writing a book is one of the most challenging tasks an artist can do, not because of any physical demands, but because of the emotional and mental hurdles you’ll need to overcome. People often turn to writing guides and manuals to help them learn when they begin writing. One of the best manuals you can …

The Wisdom of Ernest Hemingway’s Work

There are few American writers as prolific from the 20th century as Ernest Hemingway. His works, including The Old Man and the Sea, For Whom the Bells Toll, and A Farewell to Arms remain popular books, being read by millions of people every year. This is partially because of the era he wrote in, the …

Wisdom in Persistence When Writing

There are few things as rewarding but also challenging as writing a book. Whether it is a fictional story, sharing your wisdom, or simply writing about something you are passionate about, you will face many challenges in different places. While people think that the writing itself is the challenge, the truth is that it is …

The Writing Guide: INTP Personality

INTPs are often called Architects. They use logic to analyze things such as systematized concepts and the whole scheme of things in general. They are very theoretical and eager to find out what is it that makes the world go round. Profound things are more of their thing as they want to discover the wholeness …

The Writing Guide: ENTP Personality

ENTPs are intellectuals and innovators. They like problem solving but they use their clever mind to seek answers to systematized problems and notions. They are known for their unconventional take on the world as they are commonly open-minded people and visionaries. They utilize their big influence on the lives of people around them and analyze …

The Writing Guide: INFP Personality

INFPs are idealistic on their imaginations and have been equipped with values and principles that they uphold.  The possibilities for this personality type are endless because they capitalize on their solitude and try to see the potential of the coming days with the touch of their own idealistic ways. As introverts, they better themselves to …

Zodiac Letters: How to Write To a Capricorn

A Capricorn is resourceful and, yes, from the word “Capricious”, this sign appreciates things that have a monetary value. They are known for their business-mindedness and knack for sales and management. They are very precise with what they want and figure out a way or ways in general, to get what they desire. Capricorns are …