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The Rich History of Writing

The idea of writing for a job is not new by any means. Writing has been such an important part of our culture that it is one of the oldest professions, dating back thousands of years to the first civilizations. even in the digital age where handwriting might be on its way out, the idea of sitting down and creating something with words remains a popular profession for many. Today we will show off the rich history of the written word.

Ancient Scribes

In ancient times, the ability to read and write was rare, only possessed by a handful of lucky individuals. This made their talents incredibly valuable and were often employed as scribes by the monarchy or nobility.

Being a scribe was almost like speaking in the king’s voice. When your employer had a command or wished to send a letter to someone, he would dictate it to you and you would write it down on papyrus or clay tablets. This gave the scribes immense power as they controlled what the king said. While they could not outright change commands without the king noticing, they could modify them in certain ways without their rulers noticing (as some kings were illiterate.)

If they weren’t listing the king’s words, scribes were also employed to keep track of inventory and supplies in ports and palaces. Their job was to list what goes in and out to ensure nothing is stolen.

With such important jobs, the scribes were also well paid, being one of the most lucrative jobs you could serve.

Chroniclers and Philopshers

For those who enjoy writing, dictating what other says isn’t always enough. Many of these writers chose to explore the human experience by looking back at past events or observing the world around them, sometimes both.

Throughout Ancient and Medieval times, these people would be some of our greatest sources of information about how things were like back then. Whether it was the philosophers of ancient Greece or the medieval chroniclers, they helped paint a picture of how our ancestors lived.

For historians, this work involved hearing the stories of previous events and compiling them together. These could be recounting events from witnesses, watching as things unfold around you, or listening to stories around a campfire. All of these were compiled together to create historiography as we know it.

On the other hand, Philosophers became famous for writing, speaking, and observing. Their craft came from the discussions they had with one another. They wouldn’t just talk about the weather or chores, but the world around them. They would make theories and ideas ranging from our place in the universe to how humans behaved.


With the invention of the printing press, there were now ways to get written words to more people faster and more efficiently. This also opened new opportunities for writers as it brought the medium into the modern world. Now you didn’t have to write each piece by hand, but mass produce their works.

The question became what do the masses want to read about? The answer came in the form of journalism. If there was one thing that everyone had in common, they were all affected by major events. This is how journalism came to be, allowing writers to tell stories just as they did in the past, but instead of a campfire, they could tell it to thousands of people.

This led to the rise of some of the largest news platforms that still exist today such as the Times, Economist, and Finacial Times.

Content Creation

Today, the big change is the emergence of social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. Many deemed this an end to writing as it left pen and paper obsolete. Why wait weeks for a letter when you can contact a friend on Messenger in seconds?

But while it might mean the end to writing as we know it, that doesn’t mean writing as a whole will disappear. At its core, all of these social media platforms are about writing, whether it’s a short post on Twitter or a long-form blog post, people are now using the written word more than ever. Even video-sharing platforms like YouTube and TikTok require scripting to make their content.

This shows that while things change, the art is still around.

But if you are looking for a throwback to older times, you can find it here on our website as we can help you create vintage letters like those of our ancestors from the past. If you want to see how those work, you can check it out here.

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