In Adrepia, magi...
In Adrepia, magic comes from the Arcane Well. From it, magical energies seep int...
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One erstwhile ago, I oft on my own hither, striving to thwart my literary work i...
Haddie Drinx
Dearest Heddia,
I could not help but contact you after having heard through th...
Dear mortiz or s...
Dear mortiz or should I call you atlas Hyy i am Emma (since i am calling you a f...
I do believe I owe you an apology for how I acted today - t...
Dear 20-year-old...
Dear 20-year-old Kyla, Happy Birthday, Dear. You are indeed b...
My will
If I were to pass away in the near future, on my behalf, I, Axon Ixatoke, will l...
AS you remember this is my favorite holiday. I loved the football game...
IMG Families, Supporters and students-
November is the time to be grateful and...
Letter to Piero Vespuci
Good Morrow Pierro Vespucci,
I write to you as my future good friend and possibl...
Big Brother, T...
Big Brother,
This is agent #263. I am a member of the thought police. I am wri...
To my dearest Jewel,
I am indeed grateful to have you in my life. You are ...
To Julia, sweet ...
To Julia, sweet Julia , gentle Julia
I love thee