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How to Write a Retirement Letter: Celebrating Milestones

Retirement is a major event in your working career as it is the culmination of years of hard work. Because of that, you have plenty of reason to celebrate your achievements, dedication, and hard work. One of the best ways is by crafting a retirement letter. This shall be your parting words to your employer, business, and co-workers before you depart. There is a lot you can do to make these letters feel special.

1, Begin The Retirement With a Heartfelt Announcement


The opening of your retirement letter sets the tone for everything else. So rather than beat around the bush, get everything off your chest. It would help if you started by saying you intend to retire and give your departure date. If you feel comfortable enough, you can also give your reasons and what you plan on doing after. Just be careful because if you aren’t leaving on good terms, it might be better to not say anything or avoid saying things that might be trade secrets.

2, Reflect on Your Accomplishments

When you get that off your chest, the next thing you can do is talk about your accomplishments. It’s ok to pat your back a little, especially if you have been working there for a long time. Talk about the things you’ve done and learned while working in the company so people remember your role there. But this can also be a way to share your memories with your fellow workers and help them feel better about your departure.

3, Express Gratitude And Thanks

Take a moment to acknowledge the people who have supported you throughout your journey. Express gratitude towards your supervisors, team members, and even clients who have contributed to your growth. This makes the letter feel more sincere and demonstrates your appreciation for the relationships you’ve built.

4, Offer Encouragement for the Future

Retirement letters are also ways to say goodbye to your co-workers so it’s best to end it on a positive note. Not only should you thank them for all the fond memories together, you should also encourage them to keep working to follow their dreams and build the careers they want. This will ensure that your last meeting remains positive.

5, End on a Positive Note

Speaking of which, ending on a positive note is important as this can be your last meeting with your colleagues. Rather than hold onto old grudges or let your sadness get the better of you, a retirement letter can be your way of mending bridges and leaving on a strong note. Use your retirement letter as a chance to express your love and respect for them by letting them know how much of an impact they’ve had on your life.

While a retirement letter is meant to end your career, you also begin your job by sending a letter, specifically an application letter. That is why we also created a guide on how to craft those here.

When writing letters, a bit of whimsy can spice up the conversation, such as by using letter designs like vintage letters. The unique appearance we offer can provide you with some flair in your letter. If you want to try writing a letter, you can test it out here.

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