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How to Write A Resignation Letter

Leaving your job can be difficult, not just because of the emotional burden it causes you, but also because of what you have to say. Putting your goodbyes into words is challenging, whether you had a good or bad time. Letter writing can make this process easier as it allows you to plan out what you say and practice what you want to say.

To help you craft the perfect resignation letter, there are some do’s and don’ts that you have to follow in our list below.

Explain Why You Are Leaving

One of the first things you should mention in a resignation letter is explaining why you are leaving. Be clear from the start and say whether it is personal or because of the work. This allows your employer to understand your situation.

That’s important because some companies might offer to make a deal with you. They can provide accommodations to help deal with the problem and its something in the company, and make changes to prevent this from being an issue in the future.

Keep Thing Professional

When crafting your resignation letter, professionalism is important. Even if you didn’t have the best experience working there, you should maintain your dignity. After all, just because you feel wronged doesn’t mean you should wrong other people.

Avoid negativity that might make the resignation process more difficult than it already is. Try to express gratitude towards the opportunities you were given, but if you have nothing nice to say, then just keep things short.

Place Important Information

Leaving your job can cause a transition period in the office as the management will need someone to fill your role. You can make this transition easier by giving them all the important information.

Start with the date you are leaving so that they can plan accordingly. If you have ongoing projects, you can mention people you are working with or suggest someone to take over. Also, be sure to place all the necessary documents to leave the company to avoid further complications.

Do Not Mention Names

If you are leaving because of a specific person, it’s best not to mention their names. This can come off as vindictive and might create more drama on your way out. If you think this person did something inappropriate or illegal, you should bring it up, but not here. If you want to report that person, you should take it to the appropriate authorities instead of this letter which is not an appropriate place.

Keep it Short

The best resignations are quick and straight to the point. While you might have a lot to say, you shouldn’t spend your time explaining explaining this here. This is a formal document, not a farewell letter. If you do want to write a personalized letter, you should do that separately.

If you want to create vintage letters with your own or other people’s famous lines, our Vintage Letter service allows you to make and send them here.

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