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Zorander, I hope this letter finds you in good health. My name is Vilrik Aegra of Ona Esari. I became aware of you after hearing of your involvement in the recent trial involving your late wife, for which I offer my deepest condolences. My hope is that given your recent experience and expertise, you may be able to help me. Recently, our family home on the outskirts of Ona Esari was raided by bandits. As a family under the care of Lilira, we are well off that the theft of valuables is not of great concern. However, in the raid my own wife
was threatened at sword point and despite giving up the location of our safe, had her life taken. I write to you in the hopes that you can bring justice to our family. In addition, a crystal key was taken from the safe. The key doesn’t appear particularly special, but has great family importance. If you are able to do these then I would be happy to reward you. Given the number of bandits, you may find that help will greatly aid you. In addition, I recently also hired a private investigator to track the bandit gang and am aware that
they recently headed south to the Parrwood Forest in search of weapons. I beg of you, bring justice to my late wife and my family. If this letter reaches you, and you are able to do as I ask, please bring the key to Ona Esari and find me. I will reward you greatly. Yours respectfully, Vilrik Aegra
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