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I hope this letter find you with haste as I have sent my finest messenger to deliver it (Pidgey the homing Pigeon). In response to your previous inquires I am known to most as "Spizzlestick the Green" champion in the court of trees, defender of the glade and wizard of the twilight forest. Though there are many other names in my possession. I have come to the Meadows seeking refuge from the pending war afflicting my home land, the fey wild. Many of the resistance have been forced to relocate after there homes were caught in the middle of the Elven
courts politics. I plan on providing a safe place for those whom seek refuge to reside until we can eventually take back our home, the glade. There are only a few humanoids I know in town. 2 of them being Doctor Trip, M.D & Ozor the Bluest I have spent most of my time in the Meadows conversing with and building relationships with the local woodland creatures and wild life.
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