patient name lennie small date of birth april 12 1898 medical record number
Patient Name: Lennie Small
Date of Birth: April 12, 1898
Medical Record Number: LS-1898-001
Date of Assessment: March 10, 1917
Assessment Findings:
Mr. Small has a history of developmental delays and intellectual disabilities and presents with severe developmental disabilities consistent with a mental age significantly below his chronological age. Small experiences deficits in impulse control and emotional regulation, leading to impulsive actions and difficulty understanding consequences. Mr. Small's condition has been stable over time, with fluctuations in behavior noted during periods of heightened stress or emotional arousal.
Dr. Benjamin Carter
Patient Name: Lennie Small
Date of Birth: April 12, 1898
Medical Record Number: LS-1898-001
Date of Assessment: March 10, 1917
Assessment Findings:
Mr. Small has a history of developmental delays and intellectual disabilities and presents with severe developmental disabilities consistent with a mental age significantly below his chronological age. Small experiences deficits in impulse control and emotional regulation, leading to impulsive actions and difficulty understanding consequences. Mr. Small's condition has been stable over time, with fluctuations in behavior noted during periods of heightened stress or emotional arousal.
Dr. Benjamin Carter