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Minha querida Leila, I’m not quite sure where these words will land you, whether in the familiar America or the exciting Amsterdam. It is so ironic how our lives together have been marked by distance, from the very beginning. After you, even Mondays became so distant to each other, as the weeks before seeing you seemed to last an eternity, while the moments spent with you always passed so fast. However, such distances never scared me, because they never prevented me to become close. To learn who you are, your favorite songs, how well you dance, how beautifully you see life,
how precious is your friendship, and how much I love to be in love with you. Which does not impede me to miss you immensely, which I religiously do, every single day. Still, in many ways, I sometimes thank distance for who we are. I love you, I love our friendship, and I love being part of your life. I think us, our friendship and relationship (in the broader sense of the word) is only what it is right now because of this distance, part of this complicated but still exciting dance that is life. Which does
not impede me to hate it with the same intensity, which I religiously do, every single day. Maybe someday distance will be less of a subject in our lives, but until then, I am loving the other ways we can still be close. I hope to be, in the near future, able to offer you my words printed on paper through the weight of my own hands, laughs, smile, and tears. Until then, please accept these words like this, because they are full with my deepest love for you. I am so happy for you. I am so happy for
the things you will live and experience. I’m excited for your adventures and for the wonderful people that will have the privilege to get to know you. Have a wonderful trip, honey. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Com amor e saudade, Bernardo
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