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Hiii Mantavya, I hope you are in good state of mind. and you must be wondering who is this, how, and why someone is sending me letter. So I don’t have answer to those but this letter is to tell you something that you should know, and you already know but not applying. I just want you know, everything will be okay. (I know in your mind, you must be thinking “Everything is all right, what are you talking about??!”) keep reading you’ll know. I love how you are, and what you are doing. It is pretty rare to see human like
you, who have warm & tough heart, curios brain. and always forgiving nature. Yes, don’t be so happy reading that because, These are you good points as well as bad point. I want to tell you, People who are not happy about you being in their life, and you interested in their life, not because you want something or anything selfish thing, you just want to make them feel heard. And they don’t realise that, and disrespect you, ignores you. Fcuk them, leave them where they are, and move on. (Precisely, I am talking about your best friend.) She is
also good person, I am not denying that. but She is the reason why you will be different person. No doubt, Whatever she will do, because that and only that you will be going to sad zone of your life, and happy zone of your life. Make sure, You get what you give. (Not saying, the same. Because the amount/percentage of love, respect, time all you are giving, She is not capable to give that) But atleast you deserve half of your half. I know that day will come, When you will have monsoon in your eyes, because of her.
I want you to show some respect to yourself and find a way out from that day, and don’t give fuckiing reply to her. Let her realise. enough about her. Show and tell your real close ones, that you are happy and privileged to have them in your life, They will feel good. I know you feel your homies, but don’t know how to tell them. so when you go college tomorrow- Give good, tight hug to your all homies. Right now, I am happy that whatever decision I want to change, that does not have any effect on my
present life. So you are living good life. I miss you my past self, and it is not like I don’t like my current-self. It is just that, I want you and my current self in same time. And I will make that possible in Future. I am pretty sure, that you won’t even try to communicate with the kind of person I am right now, but I can’t wait for you to meet this Learn new stuff everyday, also don’t be harsh on yourself. and Start calling your close-ones. Love you, Mantavya (from November 9, 2023 )
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