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In Proclamation on behalf of Queen Birel Nailo of Camelot; (Insert name), I come to you with time of the essence and the vitality of the kingdoms of the the world at stake. We have been persuaded by some to be careful of our safety, to take heed how we commit our selves to armed multitudes, for fear of treachery; but I assure you I do not desire to live in distrust to my faithful and loving people. Therefore I come amongst you, not for my recreation and disport, but to call to arms and propose a declaration of alliance. Queen Eva
of Ebrose shall declare war upon the kingdoms of Gracea and Camelot at behest and in allegiance to the Dragon General Mordred; signaled by an orchestrated attack upon the City of Information. This invasion is the first plan of many to soon be executed as a display of power and domination that shall spread across the very lands you yourself call home. I beseech you now to stand with me. Not to submit, nor bear my banner in return, but to hold the line as equals against the twisted hand of tyranny that aimes to bind this world in slavery and
shadow it in fear. Stop this corrupted infestation that will undoubtedly bring this world and its children to their knees. The enemy that shall soon be beside you undetected, the enemy that steals and murders your children, this very enemy that has nothing for you but chains and suffering, and demands. I am not your enemy. I will not bring you demands. I will bring you the freedom of choice and refuge and the power to defend your land for generations beyond. If allegiance shall be agreed upon, I offer you now my blade. To strike against the enemy, to
ride in the midst and heat of battle together, tear through the shrouded heart of tyranny, to live and serve amongst you all alongside one another, to lay down for my Lady, for my kingdom, and my people, my honor and my blood, till dust. With Appreciation and Regards, Her Royal Highness Queen Nailo
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