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Hey there, Happy first anniversary to us! I can't believe it's already been a year since we started this incredible journey together. You've been my rock, my strength, and my constant in a world that's constantly changing. You've been there for me through all the ups and downs, the highs and lows, and everything in between. You've held my hand when I was at my lowest, and you've celebrated with me when I was at my highest. You've shown me what it means to have someone who truly cares, and for that, I am forever grateful. You are everything I
never expected to find in this life. You're my biggest surprise, my unexpected gift. You're the reason I keep going, even when things get tough. You've shown me that I'm capable of so much more than I ever thought possible. I know I can be difficult at times, and I know I've pushed you away more times than I'd like to admit. But through it all, you've been patient. You've shown me what it means to love unconditionally, and I can't thank you enough for that. So here's to us, to our first year together, and to many more years
to come. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us. I love you. Yours, Aira
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