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Hello Olga. It's nice to meet you. You have a beautiful smile. You are up late?? Smiles, Brian 22 November 2020 ?., 02:19 Dear Brian, hi I’m up late now but not the time you sent to me your message. I live in Cyprus, and we have huge difference in hours Hi Olga, Were you out having fun tonite)) Late nite Lady. lol My fellow Taurus.... I see... you look very positive and fun! What are you looking for... on this site... in your future man? 22 November 2020 ?., 14:05 Hi, Brian I didn’t go out, I just fell asleep on a couch watching a movie, and then got
up to move to bed and couldn’t sleep :)) I’m in general very rare go out and we have lockdown at the moment, we r not allowed to be outside of the house from 20:00-05:00, so, it’s one more reason What am I looking for... i catch myself that with a time is getting easier and easier to answer and b4 I couldn’t say it more exact, but experience putting you on the way that you finally start to understand what you really want ... He is reliable in all meaning of this word: what he said - he is done, what he
promised - he followed, he is not capable to lie, even in little things, I wish to trust him in 100 %. It’s even mean , 4 example, if he doesn’t want me to be in his life, he won’t be pretending he does, he would talk, he would not let me be the last to know. That type of trust, when you know that no matter what, good or bad for you and ur feelings, he always would be honest with you. Decent and reliable man. Family oriented. Who knows what he wants and how to achieve it. Who taking
care of his beloved ones, not doing things just to show off, but naturally care. Huge sense of humor, I think it’s extremely sexy, not taking hisself seriously, easy going, healthy life style and healthy mindset (which is different meaning for everyone, ha ha) 22 November 2020 ?., 16:37 Hello Olga, Hope you enjoyed your movie! What did you watch? In America, it is State dependent by lock down. I live in Virginia, right next to Washington DC. We are in lock down or controlled scenarios. Other states are open as normal and everyone is doing well. LOL. This has more to do with
economy that COVID. So, you want a man who does what hes says, shows up when he said he would be there! Sounds like you are seeking a man with a genuine character, integrity and sincerity. 🙂 I respect your wish and intention in your next man. If we move forward..... I will be direct and honest about my feelings... I would ask the same of you 🙂 Loyalty is the most important value to me! You spoke of healthy lifestyle. What does that mean to you? I work out daily, snowboard, surf, play basketball and eat healthy. I meditate daily for
peace of mind. I am passionate and go after what I want... but I also value calm, kind, grounded, centered lifestyle!! I was married for 15 years and have been divorced for 5 years. I have kids. Are you okay with that? Do you want children of your own? Waht do you do in the Banking What do you do in Banking? lol I owned a Bank. Commercial Real Estate and Investments. Take care and Smiles, Brian I’m absolutely ok with all man life -past present and future -as long as it doesn’t affect relations and my place in it. Surely when there
is kids involved it’s a little bit different, but your personal life is ur personal life, and I don’t go in to live somebody else’s life, but mine. Kids has their own mom and you as a father give what you can in this situation, and I will be supporting till some point, will be nice till some point 🙂 hope u understand. And yes, I wish to have my own child, I think I have a great genetic to give to this world :)) I’m not in banking, I’m in real estates, just recently changed I was in fashion retail for many
years I was planning to do real estates carrier in USA, when I moved there last year, but things went differently 🙂 My kids live with me, not there mom. I understand your position. I am not seeking a new mom for my kids, but any woman considering me would want to know) Where in US? North Caroline Half of my wardrobe still there, due covid can’t get it Sweet... Beautiful place... I have many friends in NC That is frustrating... It’s ok 🙂 weird timing Are you from Cyprus? I’m Russian IS that family, home From Russia ahhh I live in Cyprus last 12 years So, it’s my home now How long in US...
do you like it? would you want a life here? I couldn’t understand, it was too fast I came and left , then came again and left where in Russia did you grow up? lol... i get it? was it work or man? Man I grew up in Ural region, middle of Russia ahhh, us damn men, lol... can't live with us... can't live without us 🙂 I have always wanted to travel Russia Just made mistake, we all do No regrets I will leave your past in the past... I was being playful I understand relationships It brought all new in my life, and I got USA visa 🙂 I want New York
in Christmas time I wish I could go this year I am simple.... I want to love and be loved, I want a best friend, a partner in loyalty Ha ha, we all want NY in Christmas is AWESOME And simple things But in the end we all do complicated yes, wise lady... But I guess it’s also matter if you are with a right person Olga is speaking the truth U can’t make great if u not match by mostly things U always be wrong , do wrong I feel like I am talking with myself ?? Taurus team OK lady luck Have you overcome (personal development) a good portion of your STUBBORNNESS lol, but real Well,
I know what I want and I need a real prove I’m right. But I’m completely ok to change pint of you if I find it reasonable Real prove I’m wrong, sorry Stubborn , but it’s just me No harm It could be stupid level and healthy level, right? yes, I agree... 100% i got some intel for you... lol What’s that? Sorry, didn’t get meaning I’ll ask sth from u now. Usually kids stays with mom, what was a reason of that decision in ur situation ? Did you try to build any relations during this 5 years after divorce? Did you ever have any experience Russian speaking lady?
🙂 I will give you a quick list of Brian highlights ( I think you will like it - since we are similar): Orphan, Adopted as Baby. 16 - died in car accident, had a God experience, put myself through University - MBA in Business, developed a National Banking Business, public speak, married had kids, 2008 lost 40m in economy crash, partner killed himself, spent a year in and out of a monastery healing, wive left in 2013 (affair) (she cracked from the repressed stress, Son died in this past March from Brain Cancer. I live a spiritual life. I help
Orphans in US, Haiti and Romania. I have investments Globally for income. I work with certain Government in Financial Crime since 2006 as a contractor. Blah, blah, blah... lol. Yes, I have dated since divorce. I was in a two year relationship with a Ukrainian lady I have dated other ladies... just not as long 🙂 What a story ... I’m stuck see we think a like... lol I knew you wanted that Why u broke up with Ukrainian? ahhh U found her here? she goes for the most important, lol Nope 2016-2018, From a friend... she was model in her 20s.... had a degree and practice in Nutrition in 30s... we
got along great... it was a positive experience... our kids did not get along... we had to part ways... I see When is ur birthday ? May 7, 1972 you bday? your May 17, 1980 I little lady) ?? what are you feeling? lol curious, a little excited, open? All 3 I do not like this site... I joined on the 10th... I get many fake profile... you are the first person I have talked with that was not BS.... whoever it is... lol... lures in with photos and then you tell they are not talking genuine and then want my Whatsapp or Email... it is annoying... I just want to find someone
real to develop something real... I know you get it This site full of old guys and Turkish machos lol I also hardly use it I’m in general almost never like anyone, even in real life 🙂 I understand..... Not all American woman, but most, have lost the emotional sensitivity of being a woman.... it is lost at a values level... like a woman who want sot be feminine, who wants a Man that she can believe in, love, surrender her heart to.... my ex wife and I did not fight much... I do not want a repeat... I hope to find a woman who
can trust... does this make sense? do you get what I am saying? Of course I get it... trust is one of the first priority I’m seeking for As I’m not capable to lie and can’t stand it Plus to that I’m loyal by nature, always was lucky to meet same characteristics in man, till last 2 ? Where did I go wrong that I magnet not what I wanted 🙂 I took a NEW approach to dating the past two years I walked into every New dating opportunity with an open mind... meaning... (spoken to myself - in my own head).... treat this like a
journey between me and God... observe every lady as someone to teach me something.... let go of any and all preconceived notions.... it was an incredible experience... I met different ladies from very different ways of thinking.... I am sure you are similar... most woman want to marry me... I think it is a Taurus thing (lol - but really)... I am ready to settle with one woman... I have wanted that the entire time... BUT, now I will be WAY MORE SELECTIVE... I hope you understand .... I am saying this from humility NOT ego sharing my mind and experiences how
long were you married? why no kids? I would say that every relations got me to see something new in myself, as every man is different as u said. Sometimes u saying I would never...., and then you what u said u would never, and it’s level of your emotional connection and feeling to the man... yes, each of them made me know myself better I was married not too long but with a man I knew for a long. I think we did it by thinking we won’t feel lonely ... as we already been friends... we still friends, was no need in
marriage really Kids is sth really serious for me , I think it should come from great love with a Man U want to stay forever. I had such a feelings only once but he was not ready, and when he finally was, I stopped loving him... it’s been too long Thank you Just finished cutting my sons hair ?? Handy man exactly what are you doing today? i did some research on internet , i want to decorate my pace nicely for Christmas and winter season. mostly stores are closed place have to find ideas and suitable pieces i love make home cozy did you from Urals to Cyprus 12 year
ago? COZY HOME YESSSSSS i did from Urals to Cyprus 12 years ha ha I recently watched Documentary on Nicholas 11, Rasputin and Bolshevik... it was cool dark interesting staff Rasputin is mystery do u like Christmas? no... lol... of course of course no , got it ) i think it gives some characteristics when ppl acting like scrooge and saying its all commercial tonight, 8pm, I fly to Dallas with my oldest son, Justin 18. We are looking at three Universities this week. My parents live in Dallas, we will spend Thanksgiving with them and when ppl enjoying this time and find it magical aah I need woman to take the
scrooge out of me. lolololololol playing, not serious then i wishing you a safe flight and take care of being ppl around ) i russia all went bad too, many ppl i know and their relatives died or been very sick with difficult timing to get better now one day is all over and we all can fly again too i do not understand) second message COVID? ill ppl are your parents alive? do you have siblings? you have US Visa? what kind? It will all be over soon, March my parents well, thank you, some of my relatives no, 2 aunts in hospital, one not very good mostly friends been
ill, some ppl i knew died, some friends lost parents wow, I am sorry to hear this information everyone has their own time here death is sth what im not scare at all I understand and share the same perspective... BUT, having my son Sebastian die on March 5, 2020, I have a new relationship to death. We are souls, we have a purpose for being here... challenge, do we find that purpose or do we mindlessly JUST EXIST im truly sorry about your son... 🙂 my heart has been opened in MORE WAYS.. tyou Sebastian Intimacy requires courage, strength and real vulnerability ... easily said.... hard to
live very true is your family in Russia? or with you in Cyprus They all in Russia. I think website got stuck, bad service Olga, I am going to the Gym. I have enjoyed a beginning with you. If you wish, we can see where this might go. I was expecting a lot more questions, lol :))) enjoy ur gym. I will ask more, be sure. If u going to answer 🙂 one question u left without it 🙂 I wish ??? 🙂 what question? ... Usually kids stays with mom, what was a reason of that decision in ur situation ? Ahhh, I am stable and healthy I thought U went to
gym 🙂 son is driving So, since u went to see university, he will be going to study soon U going to * Now I understood that u actually answered my question in that long message u sent about ur highlights Next year lol What he wants to study International Business like his dad Thought so 🙂 Ok, I’ll be going shower , do some women beauty routine, may be will watch some romantic silly Christmas movie, to get the mood ? we catch up later . If I won’t talk to u b4 ur flight, have a safe one ? U don’t drink alcohol? How long? Or never? No alcohol, just smoke,
drugs, gamble and wreckless woman ?? Ah, u one of these boring ones 🙂 Happy showering ... 22 November 2020 ?., 20:28 No alcohol is such a great thing. I had stopped few times and know the difference when u drink and when u don’t drink at all. Last time I had 1,5 year sober, starting drink again last august for almost no reason, I didn’t suffer after break up or covid or work troubles 🙂 I just decided to start. I know it’s easy for me to stop, I just need a right moment again I guess, Im fasting now, and decided to have
no alcohol too during this period even it’s ok for Saturday’s and sundays one glass of wine So, my joke about boring girls all the rest u mention 🙂 Boring was * And healthy life style to me is included that too. When I stopped drinking, I remember that u start see that actually mostly ppl drinking alcohol, and I thought how good to find someone who can be with me in this... R u athletic? Do u like sport Working out every day I’m from sporty family, my parent teaching kids skiing . All my childhood I was with them and did ski and summer
trainings. Then I switched to circus gymnastic till accident, then I back ski, been swimming. Then went singing ?? Tell me more... I’m certain that you need to have sport in life I can feel how the body changing when u r not stretching it, or not let muscles work Tell u more about singing ? :)) all Biography 🙂 go ?? I start singing when I was 13 I think Been working as a singer at one place for 10 years As second job as it was just weekend I’m regretting that I didn’t educate myself in this field I love jazz and I should have been studying Jazz singing and piano But
I changed it to fashion, my another passion Been working for many years in fashion retail, in Russia and then here till I moved to USA November 2019, left everything behind 🙂 Finito 🙂 What kind of music do you sing? I love artistic way... Where do you sing? if you are as passionate as you are artistic... we would be deadly passionate Do you snowboard or only ski? What injury? Were you the CLOWN, LOL? Love swimming... great for Heart and staying thin I don’t really sing anymore, I used to sing easy pop songs, mostly Russians Running ski, not mountain Since then I don’t like ski 🙂 and
sport in snow ?? Not clown 🙂 I hid lovely acrobatic staff, injury happened at home, when we jumped with my cousins on bed up and down and I jumped over on the floor and broke a part of bone up the butt, had to forget ab circus gymnastic, couldn’t even bend behind, was very painful I was good swimmer, but u wouldn’t believe I don’t like water too , I get frozen in 10 min and can’t stand this condition, same as after horror movies I’m scare of depth ?? I know it’s only in my head, I can be in the
sea together with someone, but alone, you will see me only on the sunbed. Life change you 🙂 and ur habits What’s ur regular week day, when u go work and etc? And one day when you are not working probably weekend ? What they look like What you like about place you living?I mean states. Would you change it, if there is a chance? What u regret about in ur life? Can u tell me about this car accident in 16, if u want of course I do not have many things where I am afraid. Mostly, probably, in relationship with woman. Being betrayed
or attempts to control me. I don't live in fear about it.. but, that is what comes to mind. Remember, I died, left my body and came back. I have spoke about this publically and been fortunate to help people. I know there is an afterlife and we are here to learn lessons. We are spiritual beings in a material world. Learning how to love ourselves, each other and those we do not like. I have had great wealth and seen great loss. I was happily married and felt deep pain of betrayal. I loved a son and felt the soul leave
his body. All this has shown me LOVE I worl I work Mon thru Fri. Conference calls. Meetings. I report to Generals... I work in office building near Pentagon, in Pentagon or at Fort Meade, Md. Financial Intelligence I have owned homes in Miami, Dallas, San Diego and here in Washington DC I plan on moving back to Miami I miss the ocean, sun and water play.... it is calming and spirited to me! I also intend on buying a home in Salt Lake City for mountains My sons will carry our business finances forward! Regrets... not being more light hearted and loving throughout my life When walking with my
son through the process of death... I got to watch someone continue to appreciate ALL of LIFE... to continue to be Positive NO MATTER WHAT... he taught me to LOVE and VULNERABLE in the MOST BEAUTIFUL ways... I want to be this way til I die!!!!! It is a CHOICE 16.... I got off work... went to a party to meet a girl... hoped to hook up... I got DRUNK... too drunk... driving home... I passed out, hit a tree destroyed me and the car.. LOL in the Hospital... the soul left the body... went to God... my mom was praying... her
prayers brought the soul back to the body... I wen into a Come for a few weeks... more things happened.... r u there? lol ?? i am making brussel sprouts... i am so freaking hungry Stinky there 🙂 I’m in bed. Good night from Cyprus Wishing u a productive trip 🙂 Sleep well Thank you SMILE)))) 23 November 2020 ?., 07:55 Good morning ?? I’m driving to work .. I live outside of the city. I moved up to the mountains last March, right in day of lockdown we had first time. I love nature, and I love privacy, which is difficult to find in the city 🙂 Takes me around 40 min -1
hour , but I love driving as well 🙂 Have a nice day, Brian ? Midnight here... waiting for hotel shuttle have a nice day 23 November 2020 ?., 17:12 Thank u 24 November 2020 ?., 00:00 How are you today? 24 November 2020 ?., 05:06 Good morning 🙂 I’m very well, thnx. Trying to get up from bed 🙂 How was ur day? 24 November 2020 ?., 06:05 Get up sleepy head!!! LOL... Short answer... it was a Great Day We had a long day on no sleep We got have a great experience at TCU, on e of Justine University choices Toured the college, the city and had a day of research and time
with my son I am grateful Hope you have a nice day at work 🙂 It is sound great :)) I have a good imagination too 🙂 Cooking now and will be running to work, we have weekly meeting this morning, talking ab nothing ??as usually Day will be busy, for which I would never be composing, as at work I love to work I guess you’ll be going sleep now. Have a restful night Never be complaining * ( bloody IPhone ) I did not think you were complaing)) sometimes work is good and sometimes it ??. Either way... we make the best of it! I like
work, too Have a fun day ???????? 24 November 2020 ?., 18:24 Day was fine, can’t make them very productive recently, feels like running and running, to many things to do and not many done by the end of the day :))) Good morning, Brian Just finished with GYM..... got all the yuck out! Justin has online school today We travel from Dallas (TCUniversity Yesterday meeting) to Waco (Baylor University) for tomorrow meetings. What do you do at work? How far do you live from beach? 24 November 2020 ?., 20:28 I’m in sales, so we do almost everything: uploading properties, working on requests, dealing with developers and partners, pushing lawyers
to do their job, doing their job sometimes :)) translations, visiting properties, driving around if we have sth very specific and we don’t have in our base and many more.. I feeling so tired today that I even allowed myself don’t do exercises, and already in bed, it’s only 8:30 pm :))dying for sleep I live far from the beach as I live in mountains, but u spent 12 years next to it, I don’t miss it and I can have it any time I want 🙂 Enjoy ur day Brian ? Thank you ?? Sweet dreams Smiles ?? B 25 November 2020 ?., 06:23 Hi Olga. May your
day be filled with laughter, success and happy ?? feelings. Good morning and night, Brian 25 November 2020 ?., 14:40 Good day to you, Brian ?? It’s cloudy today, partly rain, love it 🙂 Wishing you a nice day too ? 25 November 2020 ?., 20:44 How’s ur day there , man 🙂 25 November 2020 ?., 22:25 ?? Ku ku 🙂 Just got in from tour of Baylor University So, how was this one Huge campus and beautiful In comparison, what would u say Top 50 University is America.... prestigious and honor He has a full academic scholarship he has every reason to feel proud of himself.... work hard and has a. Special choice to
make we are Ok, get rest :)) I’m in bed as well, soon will be sleeping What is left? how was your day? It’s was messy 🙂 Tomorrow we visit my Parents Friday we go to SMU
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