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Graduation is not the end, it’s the beginning. Here we are on your last day of Uni, Im so glad that I have been part of this long journey with a lot of ups and downs. Im really proud of you baby, not because you just got a degree but for your determination and consistency you showed during hard times to get here. I know how hard it has been and how many tears, stress and sleepless nights took you to become who you are today, you’re an inspiration! You inspire me everyday with your energy and dreams to become
better everyday by getting out of the comfort zone, thank you for setting the bar so high for you and me as well. I never thought of you as an ordinary student, but a girl that works really hard and gets those A’s like a piece of cake. Baby I know what you’re capable of and I hope Im gonna be here to witness the great success you will achieve, you know that for every step you take I will be here to support and be a stretched arm even though you won’t need it. I can write a series
a books about you, but I wanna keep some words to share when I finally see you. Baby when you throw that graduation hat I want you to make wish and let go all of the stress and hard times you went through, because you just opened a new door. Congratulations babygirl, I hope god protects you when Im not around and helps you achieve everything you wish and aim for. I love you endlessly and can’t wait to see you! Sincerely yours, N
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