from gustav hello wee lads it is i well you can read name of
From: Gustav
Hello wee lads, It is I well you can read name of mine.
Bummer that I can say cheerios to yer group but, well afer ye helped out with that wee beastie, they needed someone to fix up the place.
These daft bastards need help of yers truly. They don't stop talking over each other and they need an stone hand to keep them straight. So since I cannot say proper goodbye I made sure to send some
parting gifts that might come in handy for yer quest.
Safe travels laddies.
Gustav... again
From: Gustav
Hello wee lads, It is I well you can read name of mine.
Bummer that I can say cheerios to yer group but, well afer ye helped out with that wee beastie, they needed someone to fix up the place.
These daft bastards need help of yers truly. They don't stop talking over each other and they need an stone hand to keep them straight. So since I cannot say proper goodbye I made sure to send some parting gifts that might come in handy for yer quest.
Safe travels laddies.
Gustav... again