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Dimitri Orlov, To my Husband, Dimitri Orlov, I don't know where to start and frankly there isn't enough room on this page to tell you all about how I feel but at the very least I want to say thank you. For the time that you were around, you really brightened up my world. Given, when we met we were both on opposite ends of the same dreadful scale. In the end, we grew close through our work and got to know each other better. Through that, a new door opened for me. Eventually we wed and started our own family even. We had
our beautiful daughter once things had both calmed for us and we seemed to be the happiest we’d been in a very long time. However, that joyful facade swiftly faded as you grew more and more consumed with your duties to the ‘wonderful empire’ you vowed yourself to, leaving me to be the sole caretaker for Natasha for a majority of her childhood. Even for that, I thank you. Our daughter and I grew close as a result of your absence. I taught her what she needed to learn and now she has blossomed into a bright young woman - no
thanks to you of course. Even then, we were foolish enough to even think of having another child. Nonetheless, I soon gave birth to our wonderful son, Anton - who you never were able to meet. With you leaving, I felt both liberated and damned. I was left to raise two children in this already stressful city and it’s horrid social and political climate. I wasn’t prepared, Dimitri. I had no idea what I was doing. I had never been on my own like this. I was able to find new love but the lingering thought of your eventual return left
me with this guilt boiling endlessly in my stomach. Even that silly letter you sent years after your departure left this false hope in my mind, only to be swamped by disappointment. The person I thought you were to be was simply a let down with your sudden and unexcused departure. I had expected so much from you, Dimitri. You had laid our lives out in front out before us, practically promising all to go well, but as we all know, it didn’t. Consequently thanks to this all, I was able to grow more as a person. I was able to discover
more of myself than I would ever have waiting for your return - so I let you go. Regardless, I wish you well - if you’re even still alive. Please, don’t dare speak to Anton or Natasha. They don’t need you or your begging. Your wife,
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