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Dear Sharon, This birthday too, just like your other birthdays give me a chance to think about the beautiful person you are. Each of your birthdays reminds me of how grateful I should be to God who led me to know this person you are, for giving me this companionship which I have cherished and will always cherish. Coming back to the past 1 yr, as we roll back in time(again, something which I always do on your birthdays), I think it has been one of the best years for us
Sharon. We both could find solace even with the uncertainity ahead. I strongly believe this peace which had for most of the days was divine. And thats one reason I strongly believe that this "bond"( which I would like to call)between us has always been special, something extraordinary. Apart from the divine intervention from the Lord, another aspect of this past 1 year, as I mentioned to you earlier has been your positivity Sharon. I want you know that all I have is respect, admiration and appreciation towards you for having been this patient, this positive towards our uncertain status
Sharon. I want you to know that I notice this sacrifice and I have nothing short of awe to see this strong woman in you. A quality which I fell in love during the days I was getting to know you. With the huge burdensome bag of negativity which I carry everywhere in my life Sharon, you've been just the right balance everywhere. And I love you for that. This year, by His grace we could spend a lot of time together Sharon. We, being interns, having had no pressure of studies. Probably this would be the freest we would ever
be. And I could cherish your company. The times with Pranay, the times where we were a team, a unit, where we discussed work, values, gossip, everything was so special. I really liked that part of this year. As my memory brings back to the day where we were taking that walk near Sarai, that was another day we would remember. Im guessing you would agree. That day was special as much as it was to you Sharon. After do many days of waiting, I was confident of my feelings for you. After so many day I felt God gave me
that clarity Sharon. And as awkward as it was, I meant every word I said. I do love you. A few days back, as I was returning from home, I was reminiscing the times I had spent with you. And one thing I felt was Sharon, or rather I asked myself, what are the odds that you being the quiet, reserved person you are, and me, a guy who have hardly approached a girl, forget about having a romantic relationship with one, actually managed to meet, flirt and even fall in love. Like we are not kind of warm, easily approachable
people at all. We are far from that. Its just so astounding. Like why would I just go and ask for path questions like that. Its so not me. I get irritated with people. I cant maintain relationships. Any long term friendship stresses me out. But you are and have been an exception. I've lost touch with a of my school friends. It has been one kind of a journey with you, special, and its 4 years, like that is long! As I had written in my previous letter, stabilty over this past one year between us is another thing to
be grateful for Sharon. Amidst the chaos, we could manage to find an equilibrium. Again, thanking God. Your abilty to mix in, to give everything to the people you love, and as I was saying the other day, the abilty to start afresh, on a clean slate, no matter how much people treat you as an outsider, that is a blessing Sharon. As I was saying, it reflects the Christ ae worship. You move on and always see the good in the things, the good in people, the good in moments. I appreciate that and I want to learn that from
you. This year Sharon, as you would know, will be our last year together in this college. These moments are something we would take on for the rest our lives, whether for good or bad. The thought of going some place away from, maybe not seeing you like I do now, maybe not even talking to you anymore if circumstances lead us there, hits me hard, scares me. I wish I can be like an adamant child protesting against this change which I dread. I will miss this carefree period Sharon, where we were just students and not adults, with no
major responsibilities, when we had our parents to fall back on. To put into perspective, in fact this could be your last birthday in this college. Separation is painful Sharon. We humans resist change because its tough. And in changing times like these we look for constants. You've been mine at least during the years after our break, and wish you would be. I would want to be the same too as long as this could go on, as long as you would want me to. With the question you had that day Sharon, "What about us?", that question lingers in
my mind too. As I wait for an answer, for a clarity, for the necessary trust to build, for the necessary confidence I need to have to take this forward, I will put this difficult period into the Lord's hands so that He will listen to my plea, my call. Whatever it is, wherever life takes us, remember that He loves us much more than we love each other. His love is unconditional and doesnt depend on how much we love Him back. He will never put us down paths which would hurt or break us, even if He does
its for a greater good. He knows the best for us. And that's the trust we share. His grace had been sufficient for us until today, and it will be for the days to come. This letter might seem very disorganized because my thoughts are disorganised. And these are my thoughts. So I am leaving it this way. Happy birthday Sharon.
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