dear rocco got word of a big score remember erikah jameson yeah well shes informed
Dear Rocco
Got word of a big score. Remember Erikah Jameson? Yeah well shes informed the REO that the soup kitchen in Saint Denis is holding around 1000 bottles along with some other illegal items, guns etc. She also claims shes given that information to the USMS as well.
Could be an opportunity to have a talk to Faith who runs the kitchen, and demand for half of her stock for this information.
Otherwise it will all be siezed.
Thank of something before the USMS act.
Con pace a amore,
Dear Rocco
Got word of a big score. Remember Erikah Jameson? Yeah well shes informed the REO that the soup kitchen in Saint Denis is holding around 1000 bottles along with some other illegal items, guns etc. She also claims shes given that information to the USMS as well.
Could be an opportunity to have a talk to Faith who runs the kitchen, and demand for half of her stock for this information.
Otherwise it will all be siezed.
Thank of something before the USMS act.
Con pace a amore,