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Dear Reader, What you now hold in your hands is the culmination of a life’s work and you will soon see, as I have, that there are fantastical creatures living amongst us, hidden through mimicry and magic. This book will give you the tools and techniques needed to lift the veil, and see the unseen. Once you have this sight, you will never see things the same way again, but be forewarned, the secrets you are about to learn have been kept hidden for ages. Secrets that many of this realm would prefer to stay secrets. The creatures you will
meet are truly a sight to behold, and most of them do not like being observed. Over time, I have garnered their trust and I am now happy to report I call them friends, but a rare few are quite frankly to be feared! The darker forces of this realm, all live in the service of one creature, the ogre Mulgarath. The secrets here, in our powers, are more powerful than even I was aware of. Never before has knowledge of the fantastical realm been assembled in one book, and so I implore you dear reader, to use this information
wisely, for the ogre Mulgarath seeks this knowledge with relentless persistence. If he were to obtain the information in the field guides pages, I can assure you his intentions would be of the vilest sort. He can take many forms and so you must constantly be on guard. I deeply feared that the more I learnt, the more danger I placed everyone around me in. So reader beware, and stay vigilant! Yours sincerely, Arthur Spiderwick. Author of the Spiderwick Field Guide.
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