dear professor holger at the end of my internship i would like to thank you for giving
Dear Professor Holger,
At the end of my internship, I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity, really I will be indebted to you for the rest of my life for it.
I wished to make a progress on any project but it doesn’t happen for different reasons so I feel bad about this, and I am sorry if it was my mistake I don’t know why I feel that bad as if it’s my project. But let’s look for the bright side, I learned a lot personally and technically, I can say now I feel confident have my project. I can cope with a group from totally different mindsets and personalities which is a great thing.
For the professor, I will miss our short conversations, you are a great person.
I am sure It will not be the last time to meet in person. So let’s keep hope
Again Thank you for everything.
Best regards
Truly yours