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Dear Pods, I appreciate you and everything you do for me, and there’s a lot that you do for me. No action goes unnoticed, even if i’m in a pissy mood, i’m still very thankful. We had a bit of a rough patch around sophomore year when my grades were going down and that but it’s different now and i’m very happy with that. You put up with my crazy moments, which I know are really hard to deal with. You constantly put others before yourself. You tried to understand me when no one else would. You help me every time
i’m in need. There are a million other things I could name but the point is that I really appreciate all you do for me. You’re my role model and you inspire me everyday. Without your help, I don’t know where i’d be. I truly believe you and mom raised me well, and are amazing parents, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. I love you.
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