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Dear Mrs. Shuler, Our big day is finally here. You're probably in there putting on that mastera (yes I said mastera) and lip gloss and slipping on that wedding dress right now and I know you will be the most beautiful bride there has ever been. I am so excited for our future Valaree. The moment I laid eyes on you I knew we were starting something special and look at us now 785 days later we are getting married. Truth be told it only took 1 night for me to realize I wanted to spend forever with you. I'm the
luckiest man alive to have you by my side for the rest of my life. Since the day we met you have been an inspiration and a guiding light in my life. You showed me what unconditional love is. 1 john 4:19 "We love because he first loved us." I truly believe that the good Lord had a plan for us long before we ever knew. Through His love we found true love in each other and nothing can compare to that. Because of you I have a newfound faith in Christ and it has changed my life forever. Valaree
your love is like no other. Your selflessness and love for Christ lets me know that not only will you be a great wife but one day a great mother to our children as well. Our life together will be founded by our faith and with that anything is possible. As we get closer and closer to saying I do I can't help but think back on these years we have spent together. This road hasn't always been the smoothest but through the good times and the bad we never lost our faith in each other and thank goodness that
grader man was always right on time to get things smoothed out again. They say a love that can stand the tests of time will last forever and well darlin' we've made it through it all to this moment. The moment that starts the next chapter in our life. The moment that starts our journey to forever, together. Every ounce of hope I have ever hoped, every wish I have ever wished, and every dream I have ever dreamed will all come true today the moment we say I do and walk down that aisle, hand in hand, for the
first time as husband and wife. I love you with all of my heart Valaree Douglas. I have never been more certain than I am about you. You're the one I want for life and I just can't wait one more minute to marry my best friend, so put your boots on and saddle up cowgirl it's time for the ride of our life. With all of my love, Mr. Shuler
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