dear matriarch elihr i hope this message finds you well the spider hive regrets to
Dear Matriarch Elihr
I hope this message finds you well.
The Spider Hive regrets to inform you that your application for protection, safe harbouring and movement has been declined.
We are abhorred by your request, as members of her majesties court and servants of Urabora, the mere notion that we would harbour a mutant from the guard is frankly insulting.
Rest assured the Queen has been informed of this heresy, I suggest you seek aid from a cremator Dekari to dispose of the creature before this becomes a crown matter.
Business aside, I look forward to seeing you in the forest this Szith, high mourning is upon us my sister, and I advise to any who wish to see their line continue, heretics or no to be there this weeks end.
Bring the brat if it still breathes.
Yours faithfully,
Grand Matriarch Hymmerant, of the Spider Hive