dear lilliana i love you more then a fat kid loves cake more then a bee loves honey
Dear Lilliana,
I love you more then a fat kid loves cake, more then a bee loves honey, and more then a middle schooler loves fort nite... I hope this letter finds you well on your journeys to the north of Carolina. I absolutely love getting letters from you and reading them and I hope you send more ! Every day is harder without you but my love for you is still so strong ! I can’t wait to talk to you on Sunday baby I look forward to it all week and think about you all the time 🙂 I
absolutely can’t wait to hold your hand again that would make me so happy...
Yours and always yours
Dear Lilliana,
I love you more then a fat kid loves cake, more then a bee loves honey, and more then a middle schooler loves fort nite... I hope this letter finds you well on your journeys to the north of Carolina. I absolutely love getting letters from you and reading them and I hope you send more ! Every day is harder without you but my love for you is still so strong ! I can’t wait to talk to you on Sunday baby I look forward to it all week and think about you all the time 🙂 I absolutely can’t wait to hold your hand again that would make me so happy...
Yours and always yours