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Dear Isla Bloxham, In the realm of yonder times, under the twinkling stars and whispering oaks, thou art cordially invited to undertake an extraordinary journey at The DragonHeart School. This adventure, guided by Merlyn, the Wizard of Wisdom, will lead thee through an age-old tradition, a journey of honour, courage, and virtue, known as the Code of Chivalry. This parchment before thee represents a sacred pact, a solemn oath to uphold the noble virtues of chivalry in word and deed, as thou prepare to embark on the path of becoming a true Lady of the Realm. Thy voyage of discovery will unravel through
these tenets: Kindness: Bestow thy heart's warmth upon all, sharing joy like stardust and being a beacon of goodwill. Honesty: Speake thy truth, for honesty is the cornerstone that bonds friendships together, as clear as a crystal stream. Bravery: With courage in thy heart, face thy fears as thou would a fire-breathing dragon. Remember, 'tis a brave heart that seeks help when needed. Respect: Showeth honour to all beings, as graceful as a royal swan. Lend thine ears to others' words, treating each as thou would wish to be treated. Responsibility: As a budding Lady of the Realm, thou art the guardian of thy actions
and words. Keep thy spaces tidy, care for thy belongings, and strive to always do thy best. Perseverance: Remain steady as a mountain, persisting when tasks appear more puzzling than a goblin's riddle. Remember, 'tis alright to stumble, as long as thou riseth again, strong and resolute. Teamwork: Together, like a band of merry sprites, thou shalt achieve more. United, dreams can grow taller than the tallest castle towers. Patience: Cultivate patience, as wise as an ancient owl, understanding that all good things require time. Showeth kindness to thyself and others, as each journey unfolds at its own pace. Generosity: Fill thy heart with
bounty, sharing thy kindness, time, and possessions. True generosity, dear one, is a magic spell that enriches both the giver and the receiver. Courage: Standeth for what is right, as strong as the oldest oak, even if thou stand alone. Uphold justice, protect the weak, and fight for fairness By scribing thy name below, thou art pledging to honour these noble virtues: _______________________________________________________________Upon the successful completion of thy training and the challenges that await thee, thou shall be celebrated in a grand ceremony, and knighted as a Lady of the Realm. Now, dear Isla, if thou art ready to embark upon this enchanting journey,
write "Aye" on this parchment and return it to us, thus sealing thy commitment to the Code of Chivalry and to The DragonHeart School. Awaiting thy brave affirmation with bated breath, we remain, In faith and magic, Merlyn, the Wizard of Wisdom Headmaster of The DragonHeart School
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