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Dear Captain JT Plumb, I hope this missive finds you well and your crew in good spirits. I've heard of some of your recent exploits, as a man of your fame and notoriety should be used to. Congratulations on your successful escape from those Spanish bastards in February and congratulations on the sinking of those two British sloops in April. You are truly a worthy Master and Commander and the sea favors you and your endeavors. Life aboard the Charybdis is profitable and my men are in good health. The midsummer keel-hauling seemed to do wonders for the men's morale while
we were unable to come to port as we had some significant bounties on our heads and it took some doing to locate the bounty hunters and waylay them preemptively. I also managed to place my hands on a few knick knacks you might find particularly interesting. One of the is a solid gold octopus sitting atop the squat torso of a naked man. It's eyes are two gleaming emeralds as deep as the sea itself. I have to say, there's something deep and other worldy about this item and I know that might pique your personal interests. Perhaps we
could place that on the table for trade when next we meet. I'll keep it safe until then. The second item I have come into possession of may be of even more interest. A certain loudmouthed Frenchman that goes by the name Lazare "La Loup" DeCastiller. I tell you, Plumb, would that I had the ability to set this blowhard to work behind the Charybdis' main, she'd be the fastest ship on any ocean. This fancy gentlemen seems to have some long lasting interest in you and I assure you he doesn't have your health and well being in mind. He's
hired me to take him from the colonies to the islands in an effort to find you and "extract his most glorious revenge upon that dog of a bastard Plumb". His words, friend. Not mine. He's run out of coin and can't, or won't, pull his own weight aboard my ship. He doesn't seem like he will ever be dissuaded from finding you and continuing to cause you no end of grief, and instead of just stringing him up in a cage or selling him at port somewhere, I thought of you. We will be heading to the Port of Hispaniola
within the two months and I wanted to extend you the right of first refusal to this pompous landlubber's hide to do with as you will. I myself may be interested again in any books or tomes you have come across as well as ammo and powder. If this seems like a transaction you'd be interested in, please let me know through the normal means. Yours in sabre and in sail, Captain John Kestrell Sullivan
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