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Dear Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, I trust this letter finds you well. I wish to bring to your attention a paradigm-shifting revelation arising from my recent geological investigations, conducted with the aid of SONAR technology during my service in the United States Navy. Contrary to prevailing notions of continental drift, my observations on the ocean floor suggest a more dynamic process: the recycling of old crust. The key indicator is the magnetic striping found along the mid-ocean ridges, as detailed on pages 332-333. This distinctive pattern implies a cyclical renewal of the Earth's crust, involving both the creation of new
crust at the ridges and the subduction of older crust at deep-sea trenches. Three pieces of compelling evidence support this hypothesis, outlined on page 333. Firstly, the symmetrical nature of magnetic striping on either side of mid-ocean ridges indicates a systematic process of crustal formation. Secondly, the correlation between the age of oceanic crust and its distance from these ridges strengthens the argument for a dynamic, cyclical mechanism. Lastly, the identification of alternating magnetic polarity in these strips corresponds with the Earth's historical magnetic reversals, providing a chronological marker for the recycling process. I humbly submit these findings for your consideration, as
they have the potential to reshape our understanding of planetary geology. Yours sincerely, Harry Hess Geologist
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