October 24th 1980
Pari Wahdati
6th Arr. - Paris
Dear, Pari
I hope that you are doing well, I really don’t know if you still remember me since we’ve been
separated since young, but I still remember you after all these years your beautiful smiling face that looks like mom’s and how you liked to collect the feathers of different animals. I couldn't forget you for even a second. How could I when you are my little sister. I remember the day when we were separated clearly as if it was yesterday, that day you were crying my name as I
begged the Wahdati family to not take you away from me, at that time you were only four while I was 10. They wouldn’t even allow us to meet, but I knew that one day we would meet again. I waited and waited for that day but until now it never came. After you left your dog Shuja would knock on our front door with his head but baba would shoo him away after a while he grew tired of waiting and left Shadbagh and we never saw him again just like uncle Nabi. When you were sold to the
Wahdati family uncle Nabi was not welcomed into the village anymore so he stayed in Kabul and we never saw a trace of him ever again. The winter after you left they had to cut down the big oak tree for fire, it was saddening because with the oak tree down the memories we had with this tree well also be gone, but I can never forget the memories we had together and how I would swing you on the swing when you were younger. After all these years I seem to have never forgotten you. Whenever I see
a feather I remember how you like to collect feathers so I would pick up the feather and put it into your treasure box. After knowing that you moved to Paris I decided to write you this letter to show you how I never have forgotten you and never will, you're my precious little sister and I hope the best for you. Hope to see you soon.
Your dear big brother, Abdullah
October 24th 1980
Pari Wahdati
6th Arr. - Paris
Dear, Pari
I hope that you are doing well, I really don’t know if you still remember me since we’ve been
separated since young, but I still remember you after all these years your beautiful smiling face that looks like mom’s and how you liked to collect the feathers of different animals. I couldn't forget you for even a second. How could I when you are my little sister. I remember the day when we were separated clearly as if it was yesterday, that day you were crying my name as I begged the Wahdati family to not take you away from me, at that time you were only four while I was 10. They wouldn’t even allow us to meet, but I knew that one day we would meet again. I waited and waited for that day but until now it never came. After you left your dog Shuja would knock on our front door with his head but baba would shoo him away after a while he grew tired of waiting and left Shadbagh and we never saw him again just like uncle Nabi. When you were sold to the Wahdati family uncle Nabi was not welcomed into the village anymore so he stayed in Kabul and we never saw a trace of him ever again. The winter after you left they had to cut down the big oak tree for fire, it was saddening because with the oak tree down the memories we had with this tree well also be gone, but I can never forget the memories we had together and how I would swing you on the swing when you were younger. After all these years I seem to have never forgotten you. Whenever I see a feather I remember how you like to collect feathers so I would pick up the feather and put it into your treasure box. After knowing that you moved to Paris I decided to write you this letter to show you how I never have forgotten you and never will, you're my precious little sister and I hope the best for you. Hope to see you soon.
Your dear big brother, Abdullah
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October 24th 1980
Pari Wahdati
6th Arr. - Paris
Dear, Pari
I hope that you are doing well, I really don’t know if you still remember me since we’ve been
separated since young, but I still remember you after all these years your beautiful smiling face that looks like mom’s and how you liked to collect the feathers of different animals. I couldn't forget you for even a second. How could I when you are my little sister. I remember the day when we were separated clearly as if it was yesterday, that day you were crying my name as I begged the Wahdati family to not take you away from me, at that time you were only four while I was 10. They wouldn’t even allow us to meet, but I knew that one day we would meet again. I waited and waited for that day but until now it never came. After you left your dog Shuja would knock on our front door with his head but baba would shoo him away after a while he grew tired of waiting and left Shadbagh and we never saw him again just like uncle Nabi. When you were sold to the Wahdati family uncle Nabi was not welcomed into the village anymore so he stayed in Kabul and we never saw a trace of him ever again. The winter after you left they had to cut down the big oak tree for fire, it was saddening because with the oak tree down the memories we had with this tree well also be gone, but I can never forget the memories we had together and how I would swing you on the swing when you were younger. After all these years I seem to have never forgotten you. Whenever I see a feather I remember how you like to collect feathers so I would pick up the feather and put it into your treasure box. After knowing that you moved to Paris I decided to write you this letter to show you how I never have forgotten you and never will, you're my precious little sister and I hope the best for you. Hope to see you soon.