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Chester Arthur’s Letter After President Garfield’s Assassination

Tragedy struck the United States on September 19, 1881, as President James A. Garfield passed away from wounds sustained from an assassination attempt a few months prior. His death rocked the nation, especially his vice president. Chester A. Arthur was given the task of informing Garfield’s widow. Chester Arthur’s letter was a rare glimpse into the personal lives of the US presidents, showing their relationships with their relatives and each other.

What Does Chester Arthur’s Letter Say?

On July 2, 1881, President Garfield was shot by Charles Guiteau. Charles was a member of the rival Democrat Party and shot him while Garfield was visiting the Baltimore railroad station. He was frustrated by the existing spoils system in government where only members of the winning party were granted positions in government. This allowed the winning party to dominate the government. Charles decided to take matters into his own hands by trying to murder Garfield.

Although he survived the initial assassination attempt, medical complications and infection took a serious toll on Garfield’s health until he succumbed to his injuries two months later on September 19, 1881. This left his Vice-President, Chester A. Arthur to take his place as president. One of his first tasks was to inform Garfield’s wife about the tragedy.

Chester Arthur’s letter was a personal message, informing Lucretia Garfield about her loss and expressing his condolences about the assassination. He expressed how this loss wasn’t just for the nation, but also for her. With Chester Arthur’s letter sent, he would assume the presidency and go onto to make serious civil service reforms that would abolish the spoils system and allow for a fairer appointment of government officials.

Excerpts from Chester Arthur’s letter can be seen here.

“Words cannot express the deep sorrow which I feel at the loss of your husband. I share with the nation the sense of bereavement in this great affliction. May God support and comfort you as He alone can.”

-Chester A. Arthur, Former US President.
What Does Chester Arthur's Letter Say?

This isn’t the only time a Vice-President was given such a grim task as Millard Filmore had to create a similar letter after Zachary Taylor’s death.

If you want to create vintage letters with your own or other people’s famous lines, our Vintage Letter service allows you to make and send them here.

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