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Bridget Bishop

The First of the Salem Witch Trials

June 10 marks a dark day in American history, particularly in Salem, Massachusetts as it began the infamous Salem Witch Trials in 1692. The first victim of these trials was a local businesswoman named Bridget Bishop who was charged with practicing witchcraft and sorcery. Despite professing innocence, she would be found guilty and executed by hanging.… Read More »The First of the Salem Witch Trials

tiananmen square massacre

Death of Chinese Democracy: The Tiananmen Square Massacre

This day marks the 35th anniversary of perhaps the darkest day in modern Chinese history, the Tiananmen Square Massacre. Although hard to imagine now, there was a time when China seemed on the verge of becoming a democratic state. Unfortunately, those fears were quashed in the ensuing bloodshed.  The Fight for Democracy The Tiananmen Square… Read More »Death of Chinese Democracy: The Tiananmen Square Massacre

a raisin in the sun

A Raisin in The Sun – Summary, Analysis, and Themes by Lorraine

On this day, in 1959, playwright and author Lorraine Hansberry produced her famous work, “A Raisin in the Sun”. This would become the first play produced on Broadway by an African-American woman. This work would follow the Younger family as they try to escape poverty after receiving a $10,000 insurance check. This play would become… Read More »A Raisin in The Sun – Summary, Analysis, and Themes by Lorraine