Quentin Tarantino – On Versatility

Quentin Tarantino is undeniably one of the most versatile screenplay writers in the contemporary film industry. If you want to be original in the sense of storytelling, you are in luck if you plan to make Quentin your personal writing inspiration. He is undoubtedly one of the most eccentric in the field of fluid transition …

Bob Marley – On “Rebelution”

It is a known fact that Bob Marley has fought for the rights of many in Jamaica through his songs. Songwriting, although a little different than literary platform, is one of the most influential forms of writing cause it combines both the artistry of writing and rhythm. It captures the soul of man and can …

Tina Fey – On Comedy

Tina Fey is a writer that started from “Saturday Night Live!” and became a producer for certain shows such as Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and 30 Rock. She was also known for her impression as the Republican politician, Sarah Palin. Beyond her successful career in television, Tina Fey has also made her mark in the world …

Oscar Wilde – On Being a Nonconformist

Ladies and Gentlemen, let us all welcome the saint of all the hipsters! Seriously, this is every hipster’s idol. He writes like he doesn’t belong in his time. This writer is Oscar Wilde. There has been a movie about him starring Daniel Radcliffe, so yeah, I bet this didn’t come as a surprise to our …

Neil Gaiman – On Imagination

Neil Gaiman is the man who defined where our dreams come from. He has written every fabric of the creative structure to which all imagination failed comparison. This is the epitome of the gregarious search for a modern fantastical, but gritty, merge of the surreal and the unreal. Neil Gaiman is an English author of …

Haruki Murakami – On Being Peculiar

Haruki Murakami is known for his eccentric form of writing. It is like the eccentricity of Asian Literature combined with the flow of Western Literature. Even the topics and themes of the books he writes are unique. This is why many are intrigued by what is going on with his books and the subjects he …

JD Salinger – On Living and Existing

Have you ever heard of the infamous and legendary character, Holden Caulfield? If yes is your answer, then you might be one of the many who followed the work of JD Salinger. JD Salinger tested the minds of the young with his classic novel and proved his work is timeless. JD Salinger was an American writer who …

Edgar Allan Poe – On The Darker Side of Poetry

Edgar Allan Poe has always been seen as the weird and dark one in the poetry department. Although he has gloomy metaphors and musky themes, Edgar Allan Poe made a mark on the world for the allegorical meaning of his poetry. Despite the somber tone of his works, Edgar Allan Poe’s influence on literature is …

JK Rowling – On Inspiration

J.K. Rowling is a British novelist, screenwriter, and film producer best known as the author of the Harry Potter fantasy series. The books have gained worldwide attention, won multiple awards, and sold more than 400 million copies. Her success with the Harry Potter series has made a fire in the hearts of many aspiring authors. Fan-fiction books …

Zodiac Letters: How to Write To a Leo

Leo is a sign of pride and drama. Sometimes, they can overlook a thing such as a letter. Although that may seem, Leo is also a patron of the arts. They could be into your letter with just simple algorithmic-like techniques. Here are some of the tips you can follow if you want to impress …

Zodiac Letters: How to Write To a Gemini

This sign is by far the best one to send letters to. Gemini is the sign of communication. They are readers and are fine writers in their own right. They have the gist in anything conversational. Excellent debaters and are interested in the perspective of others. Gemini individuals thrive on intellectual stimulation and lively discussions. …

Zodiac Letters: How to Write To a Libra

Librans are known for their peaceful nature and appreciation of beauty. They are peace-loving creatures who have an involuntary flirtatious flare. They are friendly and sociable people making them one of the signs that are easy to befriend. Librans have a unique ability to find harmony in their surroundings, which is reflected in their love …