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How to Write A Job Application Letter

When applying for a job, you must complete many steps before an employer considers you. One of the most nerve-racking parts of the job is writing an application letter. Unlike submitting your resume, portfolio, or questionnaire, you are not letting your work speak for you. Here, you must use your words and sell yourself to your employer.

This letter provides an opportunity to show your abilities and explain why this job matters to you. A carefully crafted application letter can capture the attention of hiring managers as they will see you not just as an employee, but as a person and partner.

The question is how to get their attention with your letter. While there is no sure-fire way to do it, some tips and tricks to help your chances.

Mention the Employer By Name

Personalization is one of the big things that can make your letter stand out. Your boss won’t want to see a generic letter made by a template. Avoid this by referring to your employer by name to make it feel more personal. That way, you’re talking to them personally instead of just to the company in general. A person is likely to answer back if you call them by name.

Research the Company and Position

Before you apply for any position, always conduct thorough research on the company and the position you are applying to. The more you understand what you are getting into the better, and that should reflect in your letter.

You can mention the tasks, clients, and requirements they have in your letter and tie it back to your own work experience. This shows that you have read their job description and have taken the time to learn about what they want.

Keep the Tone Formal

When applying to any job, it’s best to adopt a professional tone for your application letter. It doesn’t matter what career you have, this is considered common courtesy. Your job is generally a more formal place, so showing off you can be professional in your letter sends a good message.

This means avoiding using contractions or casual slang. When you are talking to someone, call them sir or ma’am. More importantly, this means structuring your letter so it’s easy to read and understand because if it’s not, most employers won’t even bother to read it. Lastly, avoid anything unrelated to work that might distract your boss.

Keep Your Email Short

When writing a job application, you just want this job, you aren’t giving your life story. It’s best to keep the email short and to the point. Avoid fluff and rambling on. Keep your sentences short and to the point, especially if your employer is asking you any questions. Too many details can bore your employer or confuse them. Just answer them and then you can expound later on.

Suggest A Follow-Up Meeting

One aspect of job applications that is often overlooked is that they are only the first step in the hiring process. You will still need to meet with your employer and discuss your job prospects. When that is the case, you can mention potential follow-up meetings after this. You can suggest places you can meet or times you are free. Doing this projects confidence and foresight which can have a positive impact. Just remember that your task is to request this, not demand it as that might turn employers off.

When writing letters, a bit of whimsy can spice up the conversation, such as by using letter designs like vintage letters. The unique appearance we offer can provide you with some flair in your letter. If you want to try writing a letter, you can test it out here.

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